Thursday, December 1, 2011

Here She Comes...

 Listen. (sorry for the latecomers, the link was disabled after enthusiastic conversation with other expedition members - send an email and the link will be sent).

The expedition welcomed a new recruit yesterday. We hit the ground running and this is what we saw in the Park (choose your musical accompaniment here or here and find out all the information here):

Expedition members are now having spirited discussions on whether El Salvador or Brazil should be our next destination.

Indoctrination of the new recruit continued with an orientation of town.

Finally, it has been suggested that this photo may have some relevance in describing the personality of a certain writer in the expedition though said writer is unclear on the significance though will include it anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I was confused by your musical selections.... I was expecting the classic "I wanna piece of Dee Dee"
