Plantain chips
That is what I am munching on at almost 11 pm (local time) and they are so good. I have no idea whether they have any nutritional value or not (though, being the lead fruit/vege-phobic member, I mentally convince myself that they do) and they are yummy with football. Speaking of which: we have READACTED, L &J here right now. If you are familiar with a particular two out of the is the substance of today: take the ingredients of the last Saturday in October and add the words Florida and Georgia and mix them with the beauty of mystical signals in space and...we got to watch Florida lose to UGA. Incredible game. Amazing plays. And realizing that this is the first UF/UGA game GPJ hasn't seen in umpteen years, well... It was a great game. The fact we got to watch it is pretty amazing. Don't get me wrong though. I mean everything is not roses – our 100 channels of cable tv only had the Missouri/Texas A&M game so we had to actually walk to a restaurant to watch it. And it wasn't even that simple, we had to go to two completely different restaurants because all the tv's in the first one were showing other NCAA games. But being the dedicated fans we are no suffering is too great. I will concede that it is slightly different from twenty years ago when I ran through a train station in Europe to pick up a two day old copy of the International Times so we could read scores that were two days old when the paper was printed. Oh, yeah, and we don't get ESPN3, so we are suffering with that also.
YAY Lolo. The video of the town looks amazing. Antigua right? I had a client with a public health background (and former Peace Corps volunteer!) who used to live in Guat who asked if that was where you are. Also, be glad DeeDee is not a regular NPR listener because they did a story the day you left about how Guat has the highest murder rate in the world. Not your part, but if she heard that I'd be expecting Seal Team 6 any minute.